Friday, November 16, 2012

6 Medicare Advantage Plans Myths

Medicare Advantage Plans Myths:

4) I won't be able to use my doctors under this plan.

If you have a Medicare supplement plan, you can use any doctor, assuming
the doctor participates with Medicare. Some doctors and other high-end specialist might
not take Medicare patients in certain urban areas, but most doctors will accept Medicare.

But those who choose Medicare Advantage, which is a more traditional HMO or PPO offering,
may not be able to use their doctors or may be required to pay an additional fee. Like with
a commercial PPO, you might have a $10 co-pay for a doctor in-network and $20 for a specialist
and it may be double that amount if they're out of network. (Senior Market Advisor Nov. 2012)

At we are here to assist you with all your Medicare Advantage and Supplement
questions. We cover Southern California, counties of Riverside, San Bernardino and surrounding
area's.  We also cover Nevada and all of Utah.  Please visit us online or call 760-413-9749.

Tom Caress

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